Greetings, Traveler. Wellcome to my home. I'm Raf the Beast, your host for this stop.

What do i propose ? Dream.

Frist, maybe you would like to download the right true types, for this clic there

This Website is basically dedicated to my Dreams, which i try to pass around by a few ways : Role playing games, short stories, and Pictures.

Well, since i'm a Frenchman and i did not write anything in english so far, you are to be restricted to the pictures.

Which is enought. It seems so, if you liked the title one.

The pictures then. Lets go for a story. Are you sitting confortably ? Good.

Once upon a time, a young man looked at the sky, and saw the moon.

It was what the people use to call a Bad Moon. You know, it's a full moon partially hidden by threads (the middle sized ones) of clouds. The light of the moon was reflected by the clouds around, giving a powerfull glowing that certainly terrified the people back in the time when the expression 'Bad Moon' was created.

Nevertheless, i saw it. And i sighed.

Happiness. Pure.

Just by standing there, my cigarette slowly burning between the fingers of my right hand (if you're a woman, first you got my deep salutations, then i have to reassure you: i don't smoke before kissing someone, or at least i use or or two mentolin tablet before (the powerful ones). Please guys, follow this move: imagine what it is to kiss a ashtray, and you'll be close to what she tastes when you kiss her... )

But lets go back to me, standing there with my smoke, facing a Bad Moon, and just like that, feel happiness filling me.

So i decided to take cash from my saving account, and go find a sheap camera.

I don't know why (Faith, God, Buddha, Mother Nature, call it), but i made three steps in this store and saw it. The same my brother bought a few mounth ago (planting the seed of my pictures madness), and the same prize : the last of the shop (the one on the shelve, which all people can touch, etc.), on sale like in a dream, exactly what i wanted. 

I took it. Waiting for the night.

Then i saw that cloud far away, that big icy stuff travelling from nowhere to nowhere, and decided to test my brand new zoom.

I saw what you can see yourself on the firsts displayed pages of the gallery : dreams.

From then, i haven't stop shooting. I got tons of clouds, probably like you never saw them, i got dusks (i'm a romantic person, or at least i'm trying to be), but i never caught a Bad Moon ! As you will see in the 'Moon' section of the Gallery, i tried ! Nothing so far.

But i've got all my lifetime to shoot one. And believe me, you'll ear about it !


Well, a few last words : first, i wish you will enjoy the Gallery the same way as i am.

Second : i beg you to tell me what you feel when you look as this pictures. Please. It's easy : every time you see a red 'Raf the Beast' at the base of the page, it's a 'mail to' command. There is tons of them.

I'm letting you go now. Enjoy the trip !

(just clic on a number, don't bother with the froggy stuff)


Nuagepre.jpg (19795 octets)


Lunepre.jpg (12877 octets)


coucherpre.jpg (14626 octets)

I have a couple of things to put there, things i like. Sounds like a family home page, i know, but those deserve to be displayed.


Here's my banner:


Then:  My Cat !

And again, him !

And at the end, one drawing for an artist i like very much : Masamune Shirow


Not really numerous. If you want cool french links go in the french version

A really good site if you like images that makes you dream:


Raf The Beast

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